Michigan Fibromyalgia Awareness Day:
Managing Fibro
& Chronic Pain in Uncertain Times
Monday, May 11 - 7-9 PM ET
Life during Covid is challenging to say the least. We know brighter days are ahead and the key is supporting each other.
Thanks to the support of Dr. Clauw and Dr. Fenster, we are offering an interactive webinar to discuss managing our health and wellness in these uncertain times. In addition to our physical health, the event will address our mental health. Life with Covid is a stressful time and we need to be aware of our mental health and the brain-pain connection.
Please share this event with family and friends. All are welcome.
Registration is Free. Click this link to register.
Daniel Clauw, MD, Director of the Chronic Pain & Fatigue Research Center, University of Michigan
Cara Fenster, PsyD., Psychologist and Trauma Specialist.
-Treatment strategies
-The mental health challenges of life during Covid
-Tips for mental health wellness